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4 Review(s)

Customer Reviews

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K16 Review by harry
I purchased my K16 from a local gun shop. I got with my new K16 a case, 6-30 rd clips, 1-100 RDS drum. 100 RDS of 5.56 ammo. Sling. All this for only $600.00 plus $41.00 tax. Great buy.

I purchased a Redot scope and after zeroing it I put a 6 rd group in a 1-1/2" at 100 yards.

This is an awesome weapon. Easy to field strip and maintain. I pumped close to 200 rounds the first day and I love my K16. Why pay more when you can get a high quality rifle at a reasonable price. (Posted on 10/27/14)
Good Gun !!! Review by Jason
Purchased this gun in April 2014 online for under $650.00 new. I have shot a dozen coyotes and 3 hogs with it already. I must say it is my favorite AR-15 out of the four different brands I own. I installed a 4lb Timney trigger (even though factory trigger was alright) and I can get 3/4 inch 5 shot groups at 100 yards all day long with 55 grain Hornady ballistic tip. Do yourself a favor and don't spend $1000.00 on an AR-15. This gun is a heck of a deal for the money ilI paid. Can't be more happy. Jason from Texas, USA (Posted on 8/9/14)
Excellent Quality,Great all purpose gun Review by ARBOB
I would recommend this product to all (Posted on 2/3/14)
Love my K16 Olympic Arms. Will out shoot anybodys M4 for accuracy. Review by Quigley
Model K16 - Very accurate with .223 and 5.56 fmj or jhp ammo. Heavy 16" barrel with freefloat tube contributes a lot to accuracy. Prefer 1-9" twist for what I shoot. Velocity is still 3000+ with 16" barrel and has been deadly on varmints and wild hogs out to 400 yds with 6.5X20x scope. Can not be beat for price and quality. I did drop in a Timiney 4 lb. trigger. Factory trigger good but Timiney needed for the 3/4" 5-shot groups. Heavy barrel heat is not a problem - never shoot more than 5 in a session and clean barrel after 20. I only shoot domestic made quality ammo and do not mess with anything over 55 grains - no tracers, steel core, military, import ammo. Favorite factory ammo that shoots great is the Remington 55 gr. and handload is a near max. load of IMR 4198 pushing a Nosler 50 gr. BT out of the short barrel for 3050 fps. Both loads shoot to same poi. Had this K16 for 6 years and keep it clean and oiled and protect the muzzle. Plan to have it forever. (Posted on 1/30/14)

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