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Stocking Dealer

Become an Olympic Arms Stocking Dealer

Stocking Dealers are normal store-front dealers that spend a minimum of $2,000.00 per month with Olympic Arms.
To be initially eligible for the Stocking Dealer (SD) Program, you must:
  1. Have been on file as a dealer for a minimum of three months.
  2. Have three consecutive months of $2,000.00 or more in purchases.
  3. Maintain a purchasing level of $2,000 per month. This includes ALL purchases; complete guns, uppers, parts etc. 

Stocking Dealers are eligible to purchase any type of firearm from our catalog even during Closed Enrollment periods, provided they continually meet the minimum requirements of the program.
If at any time as a Stocking Dealer, your sales average drops below $2,000.00 per month over any consecutive 90 day period, your stocking dealer privileges may be revoked.

Important Note: Stocking Dealers are retained as dealer direct buyers during Closed Enrollment periods.