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Dealer Access Level - What can I order?

Q: Dealer Access Level - What can I order?

A: As a Dealer with our web site we have set up/are setting up the ability to place orders online through our web site 24/7. Keep in mind this does nothing special to your order, there is no special preference, nor is there faster processing/shipping.

Our web site simply provides another method to place your order. If you don't see the product you want on our web site or can't order it on the web site it just means that we don't allow that on the web site. You can still phone or fax your order for any products you see listed in our currently published catalog.

Federal regulations and our own security and customer service concerns are one reason why we have limited the extent to which you can order our products on the web site. Below is a summary of what to expect with the products on this web site.

What can be ordered:

  1. Any listed product that is in stock and does not require an FFL.
    • Items like top end assemblies, parts, accessories, logoware.
    • Select products have options available (like size of a shirt, barrel material, handguard upgrade, etc.)
  2. Some listed products that are in stock and require an FFL.
    • Stripped lowers, lower assemblies, and some 1911 frames may be allowed for ordering based on stock levels.
  3. Complete guns can now be ordered online.
    • Some complete guns are allowed for online ordering, but ONLY in STANDARD configuration.
    • Limited upgrade options are allowed (i.e. hanguards, barrel material)
    • The price will not reflect Dealer price for upgrade options.

It is our discretion to allow or disallow certain products to be placed for order online through the web site. The price you are shown after the checkout process may not be your actual Dealer price depending on upgrade options or additional discounts or price changes.

After we receive the online order we will enter it into our internal computer system and generate the actual Sales Order which will calculate your actual price for the order.

Remember, our web site is just a middleman. The checkout process will not enter your order into our internal system. Your order will be verified manually for permission and accuracy by a member of our Customer Service Team before processing.

2015 Catalog